Barsagelmez field, Turkmenistan

Modernization of the SIEMENS SGT-300 GTU
Balkan Velayat, Turkmenistan
Realization time:

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Modernization of the SIEMENS SGT-300 GTU at the Barsagelmez oil and gas field.


1. As part of the project to modernize the gas turbine units of the SIEMENS SGT-300 GTU, the following amount of work was performed:
2. Quality control of construction and installation works;
3. Revision of the mechanical condition of a gas turbine installation;
4. Alignment of the gas turbine;
5. Checking and correcting electrical circuits and connections;
6. Loop check checking all electrical circuits;
7. Software modification and linking to modules and to real equipment (because the automation system was from another turbine);
8. Optimization of processing of current parameters and visualization of processes;
9. Simulation and simulation of the system to test the algorithms of operation;
10. NDT automated control system for gas turbine and generator;
11. NDP visualization systems;
12. Functional check of the Checklist system;
13. Starting a gas turbine installation "under load".

  • Automated control system of the GTU: checking the mechanical condition of the GPU, repair, software development, commissioning, installation, commissioning
Other works performed
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